FRIENDS, Porter Central is on high alert this weekend and the stress level around here is so thick you could cut it with a knife, sorry for the tacky cliche but it happens to be true. Tonight, our daughter is attending her boyfriend's Maritime Ball at Texas A&M and Saturday evening, back in Dallas, is her Senior Prom. Two formals back to back! That's two days of formal attire....head to toe. From the up-dos all the way down to her shoes and everything in between, we're doing it twice. Also, our son is getting ready to make that final move. He has graduated college, found a lucrative job and he's moving out to, as he says, 'begin his adult life'. On the flip side, Mr.P is a CPA with his own practice and D-day is this coming Monday. Yes, the SL is high!
Philip & Lois Buford and from l-r Janey, Collin, and Bradley
Let me stop here and say how thankful Mr.P and I are for Philip and Lois Buford, Miss E's boyfriend's {Bradley} parents. Our weekend has been made easier by their love, generosity, concern and appreciation for our daughter. A simple 'thank you' is totally inadequate. Even so, Mr.P and I want them to know our gratitude is beyond description for not only their help tonight at the Maritime Ball, but for treating our Elizabeth as they would one of their own. We may not always agree, but we love their sweet family and the amazing, Godly young man they have raised.
All of that being said, I have decided to share with you a few of my favorite Blogger's posts, no time for writing this weekend. My first comes to you from Mary DeMuth at 'Your Life Uncaged'. She is a wonder and inspiration to me.... and I really NEEDED to reread this post today. Hope you find a bit of inspiration as well.....
The Stress Of An Unfinished Story
I like “the end.” Don’t you? It’s closure, folks. A grand finale. It’s how I can continue on because I know one thing has ended and another has begun. I like my current story finished.
But God often puts us in the midst of unfinished stories, doesn’t He?
We struggle in a marriage that’s just not “there” yet. Our child sabotages himself and his future, opening the door for a bleak ending. We can’t write that check to pay that nagging bill. We still have that awful habit we’d swore we’d overcome. We can’t seem to be happy even though we truly want to be, but our circumstances keep messing with that happiness. Our prayer for that prodigal goes unanswered for decades. That wildly successful business we imagined has instead crashed and burned.
Have I touched any buttons?
Our goal isn’t to see resolution. It’s to be faithful in the One Story God has mapped for us. Click to tweet this. We will live in tension every moment we walk this earth. We may even die, not seeing a particular dream come true. And we’d be in good company.
All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth. Obviously people who say such things are looking forward to a country they can call their own. If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back. But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them” (Hebrews 11:13-16).
You may be living in the tension of an unfinished story right now. Take heart. The patriarchs did too. Heroes of the faith lived in that same tension, between the now and the not yet. God is creating a masterpiece plan, weaving it beautifully out of all our unfinished stories. He finishes them beautifully on the other side.
I believe heaven will be full of aha. (Click to tweet).
We’ll have conversations with strangers (who will become fast friends) about those ahas. The chatter will be peppered with, “What I didn’t know then was that God was doing __________.” And we’ll share with joy and awe.
I have unfinished stories aplenty. They fill me with ache. To be honest, I wish God would “the end” them right now so I could put them behind me. But where would the faith be? If everything were answered, I wouldn’t need to depend so much on God. Yes, it’s bewildering. Yes, I don’t like it. Yes, I’m tired. But it’s precisely in those times that I actually see my need for Jesus.
If you are not already an avid reader of Mary's blog and books you can find her here. She is such an inspiration to me. Yesterday was not my best day. In fact, it was down right stressful. Here is MY PRAYER for today and all the tomorrows to come, That Jesus would be glorified in the way I react to and handle ALL situations....the good, the bad and the ugly! And that His kingdom would be seen by others in my life. I do hope you have been uplifted today and have a wonderful weekend!
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