Friday, February 14

Paris' Pont de l'Archevêché Bridge ~ Are You Love Locked This Valentine's Day?

If you think romance is passé, you haven't been to Paris with a young woman in LOVE! In fact, all you need to do is look at Paris' Pont de l'Archevêché bridge to see love and romance are being displayed in full force. The Paris “love locks” are a phenomenon in the city. For those of you who haven’t heard of them, here's the story. A couple in love writes their names on a padlock and locks it onto the bridge, it is a symbol of  “locking their souls together” and then they throw the key into the Seine River as a symbol of their undying love. Some say the only way to break the seal of love brought on by this love lock act is to find the key and unlock the padlock. Of course, that is nearly impossible, since the keys lie at the bottom of the river. This reality induces many brokenhearted individuals to return with bolt cutters to try to chop off the padlocks. I had never heard of this story, but obviously our daughter had. While we were in Paris last June, our little threesome miraculously came across the Pont de l'Archevêché, a pedestrian bridge that sits in the shadow of Notre Dame. It's a beautiful diminutive bridge and E was ecstatic when she saw the locks. She was missing her Bradley back home in Texas and she wasn't leaving that bridge until she had carried out this ritual of love for her sweetheart. It was endearing.......


I turned around to find Mr.P making out a lock for the two of us -- of course I gushed!

 Do you see our key mid-air?

Notre Dame didn't cast any shadows this fine June day, but isn't she beautiful?

Towards the end of the Pont de l'Archevêché bridge there were musicians and artists entertaining the tourists and locals alike. E and I stood by and savored this very Parisian moment. I wondered if she was thinking of Bradley and how much she would have enjoyed wandering Paris while holding his hand.

Having your Mom hug you on Paris' Love Lock Bridge is just NOT the same!

Whether you’re just admiring the ocean of locks or adding to the collection, this bridge is definitely worthy of a stop while in Paris. I wonder how many couples are pledging their love today on Valentine's Day???


We even came across a newly married couple buying a lock to add to this very famous bridge.

love, Valentine's Day, Paris, young, lovers, locks, undying, pledge, unbroken, promise, tradition, famous, story, Pont de l'Archevêché


  1. I adore this idea!!! How unique!! And you'll forever be locked in love! ;)

  2. Thrillingly romantic! :) Thank you for sharing the lovely story and pictures- so beautiful, especially today!

  3. omg love this! I've never been to Paris but it's on my bucket list.

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