Labor Day has come and gone, and as it slips by my nostalgic side morns the passing of another Summer. Once again Summer has flown by much faster than I thought possible. I make plans that seem 'Summerperfect' but sometimes life has a way of hindering our plans - that's just how it is and looking back now it all seems a blur!
The beginning of June got underway with Elizabeth graduating from high school and our European Trip. We flew to Europe less than 48 hours after her graduation ceremony.
Elizabeth, on the right, with her closest friends.
It was a sensational, whirlwind trip that marked E's graduation and her soon-to-be first steps out into the world. Traveling through England, France and Italy, our little threesome had a wonderful, relaxing, sun-filled time. I am holding on to those precious memories with both hands - TIGHT.
No sooner had we gotten home when our oldest, Jared, made the 'big' move and with him went a piece of my heart. After years of college, living with roommates, graduating and coming home to live with us once again, with much excitement he began his career and decided it was time to move out on his own. Although it was a difficult day all around for dear old Mom and Dad, we are so proud and thankful he is hungry for life and has what it takes to deal with what lies ahead.
Next in our Summer line-up was Elizabeth's College Freshman Orientation. HOT Texas days were spent learning the campus, investigating her home away from home, building new friendships, making decisions about Fall classes, registration and the highlight - Mr.P writing a big fat check! It was a successful few days. Soon after we found out our niece, Heather, is now expecting our families 3rd grandchild! Oh what utter happiness! We are all so excited as we anticipate the birth of this new little one.
With all of E's dorm info, room layout, guidelines, and roommates name in hand, it was now time to have fun! I relished the time we spent together, just the two of us, planning and laying out her new dorm room decor. Once she was settled on a firm design, we enjoyed days of shopping, sewing pillows and curtains, making a bed skirt, building and painting her furniture, and a few other projects that rounded out her room.
At a time when the empty nest was looming over our heads, I can look back with JOY and honestly say what a remarkable time we had along the way. Even though this has been a busy, working, get-r-done sort of Summer, we also found time between the days of deadlines, chores and prepping for college, to enjoy fireworks and baseball, reading in the shade, breezy late night walks, drive-in movies, Texas sunsets, outdoor concerts, a wedding, an estate sale or two, swimming and sunning, shopping the stalls of farmer's market, listening to jazz with my honey, a few church activities, LOTS of sleepovers, laughing with good friends and a handful of delicious cook-outs. The Summer of 2013 was truly the 'Summer of Change' around our house. We have been stretched emotionally and physically but the sweetness of our wondrous memories will last forever.
I hope this note finds you enjoying your last days of Summer as well. And as you ponder the memories your family made together and look forward to all that Autumn has to offer, I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to stop by for a visit here at The Domestic Curator. I am truly thankful for you ALL- Now on to FALL!
Moving up...... and moving out.......
Elizabeth making new friends.
Mr.P built E's bookcase above her head. You can find the plans here.
Move-in Day at TWU was filled with mixed emotions. She was excited and Mr.P and I were a bit sad - you know how that is. It was a very hot and hectic Texas day, filled with many people all trying to accomplish the same thing.... and most of us were doing it at the local Walmart! After a long day, the only thing that kept me from crying as we drove away was the big smile plastered on our daughter's face. She and her roommate just 'clicked', making the job of leaving her just a little easier. She's happy so Mom and Dad are happy as well.
As Labor Day brought our Summer to a close, we had one last gathering and the family celebrated Mother's birthday with dinner and a cake! Everyone enjoyed reminiscing about all the fun things that went on these last few months. To our delightful surprise, our son, Jared, and his long-time girlfriend, Amy, announced their engagement. We were and are so thrilled - they make such a sweet couple. What a wonderful day for us all! I'm so glad they decided to tell us when we were all together - what a fantastic memory for our entire family.
Our Jared and his sweet fiance Amy!
At a time when the empty nest was looming over our heads, I can look back with JOY and honestly say what a remarkable time we had along the way. Even though this has been a busy, working, get-r-done sort of Summer, we also found time between the days of deadlines, chores and prepping for college, to enjoy fireworks and baseball, reading in the shade, breezy late night walks, drive-in movies, Texas sunsets, outdoor concerts, a wedding, an estate sale or two, swimming and sunning, shopping the stalls of farmer's market, listening to jazz with my honey, a few church activities, LOTS of sleepovers, laughing with good friends and a handful of delicious cook-outs. The Summer of 2013 was truly the 'Summer of Change' around our house. We have been stretched emotionally and physically but the sweetness of our wondrous memories will last forever.
I hope this note finds you enjoying your last days of Summer as well. And as you ponder the memories your family made together and look forward to all that Autumn has to offer, I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to stop by for a visit here at The Domestic Curator. I am truly thankful for you ALL- Now on to FALL!
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