In honor of the Fourth of July I decided to personally review two of my all time favorite '4th of July' movies. Both are airing today on Turner Classic Movie Channel. Up first is the 1938 Drums Along the Mohawk with Claudette Colbert and Henry Fonda. It airs today at 2:00 pm Central Time on TCM.
In Revolutionary America, Gil Martin, played by Henry Fonda, takes his new wife Lana, played by Claudette Colbert, back to his farm in upstate New York. The area is remote and a distance from the fort but they are happy living in their snug one room cabin. With America's Declaration of Independence, comes the threat of war. Soon the settlers find themselves at war not only with the British but their Indian allies as well. The Martin's farm is burned out as the war rages on and Gil joins in the fight for FREEDOM. This movie is one of my favorites for many reason, one being I love C. Colbert and I will watch any movie she stars in, but I think I love this movie for John Ford's vivid portral of a colonial couples resolution to fight for their freedoms and way of life. Never to back down, never to give in and besides isn't that what America stands for?
Okay guys, this is of the biggies and it falls within my top 5 all time favorite feel good movies! The 1942 Yankee Doodle Dandy starring James Cagney. It airs at 7:00 pm Central Time on TCM.
A musical portrait of composer/singer/dancer George M. Cohan. From his early days as a child-star in his family's vaudeville show up to the time of his comeback at which time he received the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Franklin D. Rossevelt for his special contributions to the US. This is the life-story of George M. Cohan, played by James Cagney, who produced, directed, wrote and starred in his own musical shows for which he composed his famous songs. This is one of those rare movies that makes you want to say 'They don't make them like that anymore'. This DANDY film is uplifting for its blatant patriotism and its representation of America as a place in which a gifted performer like George M. Cohan could rise from vaudeville to become the Father of American Musical Comedy. Isn't that what America stands for?
In today's world America is 'honoured' by songs like `Kick Ass USA', sorry mother. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' is a wonderful reminder that we don't have to settle for that trash. That's right I said it. If the laws of our country give individuals the opportunity to write what they want, how they want, when they want....then I have the right to call it what it is...TRASH! This beloved movie of mine helps me remember there was a time when great men and women wrote songs like 'Over There', 'You're A Grand Old Flag', 'Yankee Doodle Boy' and 'Give My Regards To Broadway'. I know we live in a different world but the lyrics to these songs bring tears to my eyes as my heart swells with love and pride of our wonderful nation.
'You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.'
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.'
As simply as these words may be they truly hit home what our country is in desperate need of today. I understand that as Americans we have the freedom to speak our minds, but REALLY? Have you seen the lyrics or heard the song 'Kick Ass America'? Well let's just say it makes me want to cry for a whole different reason. It certainly doesn't bring to mind thoughts of loyalty and patriotism or inspire me to be a better American. It truly grieves my heart. I emplore you to google it, I refuse to reprint that here on my blog. MOVING on....this was Cagney's favorite role. Of all the movies he made, and there were many, this was reputed to be his all-time favorite hands down. I can see why and it really shows!
These two patriotic movies have one thing in common, they remind us, on America's Day of Independence, what America truly stands for. Ponder today what America means to you and be thankful for those that went before paving the way for our freedoms and way of life. In an age when people feel their country is under threat, these movies rouse nationalism by reminding us what made those patriots of long ago want to fight and to inspire great men to write songs of our Nation that will never die. And I say thank you patriots of old for my own personal freedoms and being able to dream the American Dream.
Enjoy your Fourth of July!
The Domestic Curator ~
Sorry for the rant folks. I do tend to go on when I feel passionate about a subject.....
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