Tuesday, February 14


Valentine’s Day, one of the loveliest of holidays, a celebration of the thing that makes the world go ’round . . .
Not just the thing that makes it go ’round, but the thing that makes the ride worthwhile.
Not just for romantic love, but all love; parents for their kids, kids for their parents, teachers for their students, sisters for sisters, brothers for brothers, best friends for their BFF, even the love of a beautiful blue sky, tea, kittins, and everything in between, ALL LOVE; everyone should have a Valentine today so be sure to save some of that love for you!  Treat yourself to a little Valentine love today and be your own best friend.

There are lots of ways to celebrate a day of love; take your child to a special bakery and buy him/her a chocolate eclair (a great way to give yourself a Valentine!), take a long warm bubble bath with a good book and a big bottle of cold water, take a nap in a hammock with your Valentine, call someone who is lonely and shoot the breeze, set the stage...throw an old quilt in front of the fireplace and have a romantic firelit picnic, make yourself a cup of hot chocolate this morning and take it back to bed, watch an old black and white movie, lie in the grass with your sweetheart and watch the stars, take a walk with your honey and hold hands, give everyone you pass a wonderful smile, give butterfly kisses, make a batch of Blue Ribbon Brownies and cut them into hearts using a cookie cutter....eat the excess...there are no calories in the bits and crumbs that you cut off, besides everyone knows that a passionate 2 minute kiss
burns 50 calories!
Plan to celebrate this wonderfully special day. I hope that all of the sweethearts, flames and true loves experience passion, tenderness, infatuation, enchantment and adoration on this Day of Love.
Tell your loved ones that you do in fact love them.
Thanks for stopping by, you make my day!
Have a "LOVE"ly Valentine's Day.

From me to you....
Ronda Chesser-Porter
The Domestic Curator
Dedicated to Mr.P
Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score,
then to that twenty, add a hundred more;
A thousand to that hundred; so kiss on,
to make that thousand up a million;
Triple that million, and when that is done
Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun.
~R. Herrick

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