Saturday, November 30

The Passing of Fall

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays to celebrate and for the Porter's it's a family affair as we all gather together to give thanks and enjoy a feast of turkey with all the trimming. Not everyone has the luxury of a close family, or dear friends to spend this holiday with and we recognize that we are very lucky to have each other and deeply grateful to be blessed with such wonderful things. Family, friends, love, good health and a warm home are never to be taken lightly.

Life tends to fly by quickly the older I get. When I was younger, sad to say, I tended to take things in life for granted, never really understanding how blessed  I truly was. As time passes and I grow older I have begun to realize how fortunate I am compared to others in the world, and for that alone I am humbly thankful. 2013 has had it's peaks and valleys - as any year does - but as it comes to a close I am grateful for the joyous year the Lord has so graciously given my family. Anticipating the new year and anxious to see what 2014 has in store for us! Now - on to December and Christmas - savor every delicious moment!

Pictures of our 2013 Thanksgiving Celebrations, Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. It's truly heartwarming to hear how the Porters cherish Thanksgiving as a time to come together and appreciate life's blessings. Your gratitude for family, friends, and the comforts of home is a beautiful reminder of what makes this holiday so special. Pursuing an online degree can be demanding.Best class takers provide valuable support, helping me stay on top of my exams and successfully earn my degree.
