Sunday, March 4

The Inconspicuous Traveler Takes a Mini-Break.

OKAY...let me try it again! I wrote this earlier in the week and somehow managed to LOSE every word. So here goes....again.   Let's talk travel. Other than Jesus, my family and friends....I have three true loves. Cooking, decorating and TRAVELING. Mr. P and I are avid travelers. We had both traveled extensively before we married and made the decision early on that we would show our children as much of the world as we possibly could. That being said......Whenever anyone begins to talk about their vacation I sit still for awhile and listen closely. I find it a little odd that most people equate vacation with travel. If you have a creative mind and step outside of your vacation box, you can take a vacation right where God has planted you. Of course we live in the Dallas area and if you can't find something to do may NOT find it anywhere. But I'm talking about traveling here. A vacation is a way to unwind from a hectic schedule and give you time to spend with your family and friends. Most people do travel during their vacations. It is a nice reprieve from their daily routine. Traveling is a journey. In more ways than one. A journey to unknown destinations, distant parts of the world or in your own homeland. A journey to see great architectural buildings, wonderful scenery and landscapes, works of art, experience new cultures, traditions and to taste different cuisines. A journey of discovery.  Be willing to open yourself up new things and embrace the differences in cultures. Travel truly is a learning experience.
   First you need to decide on a destination. Take into consideration the likes and dislikes of each individual traveling with you. You don't want to go to the Swiss Alps if 2 out of 5 people hate the cold and can not ski. Not smart. You need to carefully make wise decisions when choosing a destination. Sit down with a pen and piece of paper, list everyone's name and start your pro/con travel list. Save yourself time and have a "group" meeting. Your list will come together quickly and before everyone scatters make a decision on your travel destination.  Get ideas of what they do not want to miss when traveling to a particular area of the US or other country.Put some creative thinking behind your family's travel ideas and I think you can satisfy everyone's expectations. Where ever you end up embrace it and fully enjoy each moment. Be willing to  completely try new things. Don't freak out over the differences just take a deep breath and laugh, knowing that in a couple of weeks you will be back home and your own toilet!! You had to be there...  Remember you are spending money to go experience a diverse culture. If you let yourself relax and take it all in, you will be the wiser for bringing extra excitement in to your life. AND PLEASE do not eat at the local McD's! Eat the chicken they just killed and are roasting out back of the hut on a spit while the dogs are all running'll be alright!  
  Once you have your destination decided then decide on a budget. How much are you willing to spend. Mr. P and I have NEVER charged or taken out a loan for a vacation. Now that is our preference not everyone feels the same, you need to go with what ever is comfortable for you. Consider this: airfare, car rental or train tickets, food...which can sometimes be more expensive than you might think....depending on where you go you may need need to purchase museum passes or hiking gear. Make yourself a list of expenses and do not be optimistic...think the worst and when it turns out to cost less be thrilled!                                                       
Plan out an itinerary. We never start a trip without having every day planned out. Your reaction to this may be, "Hey, won't my spontaneity and freedom suffer?" In a word...NO! Mr. P and I know what it's like to travel without a plan. Then you find yourself driving around at 3 am with two little ones in the back seat and there are NO rooms at the inn. We learned fast what to NOT do! Although we always begin a trip with a well-thought-out plan, usually typed up on paper, we maintain some forms of  flexibility and don't sweat the changes. An itinerary forces you to see the consequences of any spontaneous change you make. For instance, if you spend two extra days out on Martha's Vineyard you will see that you won't have time to stop in Mystic Seaport. With the help of an itinerary, you can lay out your goals and if you decide to make a change then you can decide where to cut your time short avoiding any regrettable changes.
B   Now is the time to read everything you can get your hands on. The Internet can be a good source of information. I would also recommend Rick Steve's Travel books if heading to Europe. I also like Frommer's. Now after you have your information down you need to book your airfare or decide what type of transportation you are traveling by. Airfare changes DAILY! Plane tickets are cheaper if you can travel on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday. Why you may ask? I have NO idea. It's just so...  Check airfare often, different days and at different times of the day, especially on Tuesday afternoons. The airlines come out with their "deals" on Mondays, late in the day. If there are going to be any deals floating around Tuesday is your day. When you find an airline you are comfortable with and the price is right BOOK it....and don't look back. If you are looking for a particular seat on the plane check out the website When Mr.P and I travel alone we don't mind layovers in an airport, but when the kids are with us we try NOT to have any layovers. It just makes life easier. When that is taken care of it's time to get busy locating  accommodations.  Know where you plan to stop and make reservations. Especially when traveling outside of the US. This is definitely NOT when you decide all of a sudden to become spontaneous and leave it all to chance! You may find yourself at 3 in the morning driving down a dark highway with two little ones in the back seat wondering if you will have to sleep in the car. Mr.P and I have done this and learned NOT to make this mistake again! Make reservations! And SOON!
  You can never be to organized while traveling. Here are a few things not to forget. If you are traveling out of the country make sure your passport is up to date. Take care of this early on because it may take a few months to square it away. Check the web to get the latest Do's and Don'ts of security screening. You don't want any last minute surprises at the airport. Pack light!! This could be THE key to a successful trip. If you can't carry it on your back...leave it home. Your destination and time of year will determine what is needed but layers are always a good choice. I can not express fully how important this is. Mr.P and I never check bags. We carry on the plane with us what we need. This ensures our luggage will NOT be lost and it makes for a quick get away from the airport.  And please DO NOT go and buy new shoes for your trip. You will be one big blister after a couple of days! Travel does require a lot of walking. Carry your driver's licenses with you, especially if you are renting a car. You also want to reserve a car about the same time you are making hotel reservations. Buy a really good map, the smaller the better. Study it before you leave so you are familiar with the roads, signs and speed limits. I know gas is expensive here in the US but don't flip out is ridiculously expense. When you have your travel itinerary completed make a copy and give it to a close friend or family member. Really important especially if you are traveling off of the beaten path. You just never know. Make sure to have a travel checklist. You don't want to head off with out your blood pressure meds. When you begin to pack go down the list knowing you won't forget anything. Make sure to have your mail and newspaper stopped. If there are 10 newspapers out front of your house it is a huge neon sign for the criminals! Buy a few "timers" for your lamps and front porch light. This also gives the illusion that someone is home. And lastly, I think it is important to take a small travel journal with you. Try to write daily of your experiences. Sometimes the greatest memories are found in the little details that we sometimes forget. Most of all look up and enjoy, be determined to have a great time. Choose to have a wonderful attitude and you will be the better for it! Happy Travels!! 


  1. What a fantastic travel guide you have provided. I love to travel and would love to visit the places you have suggested. I love to travel so much that I prefer to forget about my commitments and simply enjoy the ride. For example, I recently went on a trip with friends while I had unfinished work and schoolwork, and as the deadlines drew near, I went online to an online class provideronline class provider and asked them for assistance with my classes. This allowed me to fully enjoy my trip.

  2. Got a minute? Let me tell you about dealing with alaska airlines customer support. My last flight had a hiccup some mix-up with seat assignments. I wasn’t thrilled about the wait time to get through to someone, but when I finally did, the rep was pretty chill. They rebooked me in no time, and the issue got handled.
