Monday, January 30

Reading, Fishing and The Little Boy's In Your Life

I am a voracious reader. Truly I am. When I was in the 6th grade I experienced my very first book drive at school. Our school held a poster contest - First prize was $35.00 worth of books. That was it. I entered the contest, won second prize, $25.00 worth of books and I never looked back. I was hooked on reading and have been an avid reader ever since. I am so glad our daughter learned to love reading at an early age as well. I think if a child is introduced to "recreational" reading when they are young there is a good chance they will enjoy reading for a lifetime. 

When fellow writer and author, Ricky Gott, came to me with the idea of giving away a signed copy of his latest children's book to one lucky Domestic Curator reader I was thrilled. I Wish, I Wish....I Wish to Fish is Ricky Gott's latest children's book about a young boy who dreams of fishing. Mr. Gott's books are written for the children in his life, his two sons. I'm thinking they do a little fishing!
If you would like to enter this wonderful giveaway send your info, including your e-mail address, to  by midnight, CST, on February 14, 2012. There will be a drawing the following day and you will be notified via your e-mail account if you are the lucky winner. GOOD LUCK and Happy Reading!